Tuesday, March 31, 2015

beda OLAP dan OLTP, ini yang membedakan sistem analitik dan yang bukan

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) berarti menganalisis sejumlah besar data secara real-time. Berbeda dengan Online Transaction Processing (OLTP), di mana operasi membaca dilakukan secara typical dan memodifikasi per individu dan sejumlah kecil record, sedangkan OLAP dengan data dalam jumlah besar, dan operasi umumnya read-only. Istilah 'online' berarti bahwa meskipun data yang terlibat sangat besar - biasanya banyak jutaan record, sampai berkapasitas beberapa gigabyte - sistem harus menanggapi permintaan cukup cepat untuk memungkinkan eksplorasi interaktif dari data.

OLAP menggunakan teknik yang dinamakan multidimensional-analysis.
jikalau database relational menyimpan semua data dalam bentuk baris dan kolom, maka multidimensional dataset terdiri dari sumbu dan sel.

The rows axis consists of the members 'All products', 'Books', 'Fiction', and so forth, and the columns axis consists of the cartesian product of the years '2000' and '2001', and the calculation 'Growth', and the measures 'Unit sales' and 'Dollar sales'. Each cell represents the sales of a product category in a particular year; for example, the dollar sales of Magazines in 2001 were $2,426.
This is a richer view of the data than would be presented by a relational database. The members of a multidimensional dataset are not always values from a relational column. 'Total', 'Books' and 'Fiction' are members at successive levels in a hierarchy, each of which is rolled up to the next. And even though it is alongside the years '2000' and '2001', 'Growth' is a calculated member, which introduces a formula for computing cells from other cells.
The dimensions used here — products, time, and measures — are just three of many dimensions by which the dataset can be categorized and filtered. The collection of dimensions, hierarchies and measures is called a cube.

Although some multidimensional databases store the data in multidimensional format, I shall argue that it is simpler to store the data in relational format.

sumber : http://mondrian.pentaho.com/documentation/olap.php

Ketika Bashrc linux menjadi rusak

ketika tombol "tab" tidak berfungsi maka install bash-completion. ketika masih belum bisa juga berarti ada yang broken. silahkan kopi file bashrc kembali dari
/etc/skel/.bashrc -> ~/

virtualisasi intel rapl pada ubuntu error

[ 6.958104] intel_rapl: no valid rapl domains found in package 0
sudo  nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and add blacklist intel_rapl

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Rename Active Directory Domain

How to rename your single active directory domain

sumber :  http://www.rickygao.com/how-to-rename-your-single-active-directory-domain/

Last time I reposted the TrainSingal post [RT]Choosing an Internal Top Level Domain Name, although I didn’t follow the bad behavior by using .local for my own active directory domain, but I was using rickygao.com for my internal lab domain which is not follow the best practice as well.
To practice myself, I decided to rename my domain from rickygao.com to lab.rickygao.com, keep using the same NetBIOS name rickygao, so the user will still using the same login rickygao\username to login, nothing changed from the user side
I’m in a signle domain structure environment, so rename for me is not so complicated, if you have a complicated architect, you should read below article carefully

Administering Active Directory Domain Rename

Managing Active Directory Domain Rename

For a single active directory domain, you can just follow my steps as below to rename your domain
1. Login into a member server in the domain, can be any server, has to be non domain controller, you can find out more details here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc816608%28v=ws.10%29.aspx
Add the “Active Directory Domain Services” role, do NOT configure anything after the role has been added, we just need to get the domain rename tool called “rendom.exe” and “gpfixup.exe”
2. Create a new DNS Zone for the new domain
Type in the new domain name, I’m going to use lab.rickygao.com instead rickygao.com for the best practice perspective
If you are not sure of above settings, you can right click on the original DNS zone rickygao.com, select properties, and check all of the existing settings.
3. Rename the domain
use the rendom /list to generate the current domain structure
Edit the file “domainlist.xml’
As you can see I’m running in a very simple domain, just use control+H to replace all my rickygao.com to lab.rickygao.com in the “domainlist.xml’, keep the “NetBiodName” the same since I want to use the same login for the user like rickygao\username after the domain renamed.
Verify and upload the new domain name
Prepare the new domain name
Execute the change
Now the domain controller will reboot

gpfixup /olddns:rickygao.com /newdns:lab.rickygao.com
gpfixup /oldnb:rickygao /newnb:rickygao
Since I’m keep using the same NetBiod name for the new domain name, so I got the above error which is acceptable for me.
Rename the domain controller itself
netdom computername hyperv1.rickygao.com /add:hyperv1.lab.rickygao.com
netdom computername hyperv1.rickygao.com /makeprimary:hyperv1.lab.rickygao.com
Reboot the domain controller, unfortunately you will need to do the same thing for all of your domain controller one by one
Now the domain controller is ready, it’s time to clean up the domain controller
rendom /clean
4. Delete the old domain DNS zone
Done, you need to reboot every single member server to get the change take effect.
You may also need to take some additional steps to fix your environment, depends on your environment.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Merubah Default Language Windows. win07

background story. pak bos habis dari korea. laptop error.
disuruh perbaiki. habis recovery. kembali ke bahasa asli, bahasa korea.

solusi : gunakan vistalizator.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

convert disk to vhd

download software di : https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee656415.aspx

Usage: disk2vhd <[drive: [drive:]...]|[*]>
Example: disk2vhd * c:\vhd\snapshot.vhd

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

memperbaiki bad sector dengan linux

saya pertama menggunakan disk-utility
karena gagal untuk self-try dan gagal untuk mendeteksi bad sector.

You can check for badblocks running the command 
sudo badblocks -nsv /dev/[device-partition] > bad-blocks for a non-destructive read-write test. That will generate a file called bad-blocks with the sectors damaged. Then, you can run sudo fsck -t ext3 -l bad-blocks /dev/[device-partition] to tell the file system where the bad sectors are and move data away from them, if possible.

jangan lupa check file sistem dengan menggunakan command blkid.

jika lupa untuk membuat output text dengan command -nsv  maka
You can use the fdisk (or I think also sfdisk) command to list partition information. One of the columns of information is # of blocks. Find the number of blocks in the partition you're interested in and SUBTRACT 1 since the blocks are numbered starting at 0.
sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda (That option is a lower case L. In this case, you don't specify the partition number, just the hard drive designation.)
And it says something like:
/dev/sda2 ... /dev/sda3 ... 66828374 /dev/sda4 ...
Find the partition you're interested in and read the number of blocks and subtract 1 to find the last block number.
Now, you can enter the badblocks command as follows. Say you want to start testing in the middle of the partition at block 33000000. This example is for non destructive read write mode with badblocks list to a text file. If booted from a live cd, you will lose this text file when you reboot.
sudo badblocks -nsv -o ~/Desktop/badblocks.txt /dev/sda3 66828373 33000000
This will test from block 33000000 to the end of the partition. If you specify 66828374 as the last block, as reported in fdisk, it will report that block number as bad, but, in fact, that block number doesn't exist.
I hope others may find this useful, as it really confused me for a while.

Shortcut windows powershell dan Network and sharing Windows

Untuk windows powershell
klik start+r , ketik powershell dan enter

untuk pengaturan ip, network.
klik start+r, ketik control.exe /name microsoft.networkandsharingcenter

men set ip dan dns dengan command line
The IP address of your computer can be set from the command prompt by running the following commands at an administrative level prompt:
netsh interface ip set address name="Local Area Connection" static 1
Local Area Connection is the name of the adapter you want to modify. In single NIC systems it is normally called Local Area Connection. is the IP address you want to set. is the subnet mask. is the gateway.
1 is the gateway metric. You can leave this as 1 for almost all cases.  
If you want to enable DHCP you can run:
netsh interface ip set address name="Local Area Connection" dhcp
There are two commands for DNS since administrators typically configure a primary and secondary DNS server. 
For the primary DNS run:
netsh interface ip set dns name="Local Area Connection" static
For the secondary run:
netsh interface ip add dns name="Local Area Connection" index=2
If you want to configure the computer to use DNS from DHCP run:
netsh interface ip set dnsservers name="Local Area Connection" source=dhcp
When you are finished with all of your IP and DNS changes run ipconfig -all to review the new settings. 

Tuning RAM di linux

gunakan vm.swappiness=0

sysctl -w vm.swappiness=0

cek di
cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness

jika setelah proses berlanjut swappiness masih terpakai, maka gunakan swapoff -a untuk membersihkan swap. setelah itu gunakan swapon -a

Monday, March 23, 2015

Share internet di windows 7

Suaty hari saya ingin men share koneksi internet dari wifi ke kabel lan melalui laptop windows 7 saya.

ternyata ketika di "share connection" internet. default ip laptop untuk ethernet berubah menjadi
jadi untuk bisa sharing internet kita harus mensetting ip lan dibawah laptop kita menjadi 192.168.0.x

Monday, March 16, 2015

migrate vmware vsphere vm to hyper-V windows vm

Sumber : http://gabrielbeaver.me/2012/09/migrate-from-vmware-vms-to-hyper-v-windows-8/

In a previous post I described how to setup Hyper-V on your Windows 8 desktop. If you decided to install Hyper-V on your Windows 8 desktop, but you have VMware VMs you want to run on this same machine, you’ll be unable to import VMDK files into Hyper-V and you’ll also be unable to install VMware Workstation on this same computer. You’ll get this error:
If you had System Center Virtual Machine Manager, we could convert this file with that. But what if you don’t have that? What if you have a bunch of VMware VMs you want to convert to Hyper-V that you have customized and don’t want to rebuild from scratch? Don’t worry, we can get your VMware VMs into Hyper-V.
*Very Important – This process will not work on compressed files. Make sure that the VMDK you are working with is NOT compressed. Right click on the VMDK file > Properties, then click the Advanced button. Make sure that “Compress contents to save disk space” is NOT checked. If it is, uncheck this and wait for this to finish before proceeding. Further, it is important to remind everyone that you should always backup any data to another source before modifying or making these types of changes as a safeguard.
Here is what we will need to do:
– You need to convert your VMDK file(s) to a VHD
– Then convert the VHD file to VHDX.
There will be two scenarios for your VMDK file(s):
– Your VMDK is one single file
– Your VMDK was split into multiple files
In order to proceed with converting your VMDK to VHD format, we need to have your VMDK as one single file. If it is already in a single file, head on down to Convert VMDK to VHD further below.
If your VMDK is in multiple files we will need to convert it to one single file first. Head over to VMware’s site and download the VMware vSphere 5.0 Virtual Disk Development Kit. We need the vmware-vdiskmanager.
Once downloaded and installed, you will need access vmware-vdiskmanager utility which will be in this folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit\bin
Launch a command prompt as an Administrator. Navigate to the directory where where vmware-vdiskmanager executable is, then we’ll begin the conversion process to a single VMDK.
Here is the format:
vmware-vdiskmanager.exe /r “PATH TO SOURCE” –t 0 “PATH TO DESTINATION” in my example it looks like this:
vmware-vdiskmanager.exe /r “D:\VM\VMWare\Windows\TEST-SCCM01\TEST-SCCM01.vmdk” -t 0 “D:\VM\VMWare\Windows\TEST-SCCM01\TEST-SCCM01-SINGLE.vmdk”
The conversion process should begin immediately. Once finished, we’ll convert your VMDK in a single file now, to a VHD.
Convert VMDK to VHD
You need to download a VMDK to VHD converter named 2Tware Convert VHD 1.0.3. I picked this up on CNET. Install the software, run it, and enter the source and destination in these fields:
*Note – I have used Vmdk2Vhd in the past; however, I have ran into errors with the application saying the VMDK is invalid. The utility below, has worked on every try thus far for me.
Once that is done you should have the VHD file that you need now. Let’s get this working in Hyper-V.
Launch the Hyper-V console, instead of importing a virtual machine, we are going to create a new virtual machine and use an existing disk. Import function only works for Hyper-V VM configuration files.
Select New > Virtual Machine. Enter the name of the VM and place the virtual machine in the same directory as your VHD (you don’t HAVE to do that, but it is my recommendation to keep things clean).
Set memory as you would like, select your Network Connection, then on the Connect Virtual Hard Disk, “select Use and existing virtual hard disk” and point to your VHD file:
Finish out the wizard, then you will see your VM in the list of Hyper-V machines. Connect to the console of your server and power it on. We want to make sure it boots correctly, before upgrading it to a VHDX file.
Now, power off the VM. Once the VM is down, then select Edit Disk…
Then browse to the source VHD file:
Then select Convert:
Then select VHDX:
Then I recommend using Dynamically Expanding, then set the destination of the VHDX, and Finish the wizard.
It will being Editing the virtual disk…
This conversion will take some time to complete, depending on the size of your VHD file. This progress bar will close when completed and will not tell you its done. However, you can confirm by checking the directory you set in the conversion process, and you’ll see it worked.
Now edit your VM and change the VHD path by simply adding an “x” to the end of the Virtual hard disk path, click Apply and OK. Then Power On your VM.
Success again!!!
Now all that remains is to install Hyper-V Guest Additions and uninstall VMware tools. I’m guessing if you’ve been following this blog to this point, this is probably something you can handle from here Winking smileYou can also delete the old VHD file and VMDK files once you are certain this process is complete and there are no outstanding issues.
We have successfully converted our VMware ESXi 5.0 Virtual Machine to a Windows 8 Hyper-V desktop host by:
– Converting our VMDK into a single file (as necessary)
– Converting our VMDK file to a VHD
– Converting our VHD file to a VHDX