Monday, May 21, 2012

BAKA nii...

Hi! Question: Which is better, being alone or together?

My future spins around colorfully.
How long are we going to talk? Pretending not to notice?

Oh really~. The big world opens up with how you feel.
I love you today, too
I really love you.

I'm an idiot... is more idiotic than the vast number of stars.
Without being able to be honest,
I had a dream of me walking with you.
Sorry... but! It's 'cause I didn't know what love was!
The answer is
You and
Riddles + Me =
An infinite jump!

Remember miracles unfailingly.
All right!
Shine more than anyone, OK?
With a smile!

Over here~ Come here. You know it's impossible to run away.
Believe in today.
Seriously believe.

Idiot, idiot... Idiot! You're an idiot for giving up
The future me surely
Wants to walk with you.
Oh no... Wait! This moment won't come again.
Being alone
and being together--
Being together is better
and unmatched, right?

Oh really~. The big world opens up with how you feel.
I love you today, too
I really love you.

My idiot... is more idiotic than the vast number of stars.
Without being able to be honest, I had a dream of me walking with you.
Sorry... but! It's 'cause I didn't know what love was!
The answer is
You and
Riddles + Me =
An infinite jump!


  1. ^anak rantau, ntar ya, aku translatin
    ^diniehz, lyric opening film mbak

  2. Hemmm...
    Numpang cieee aja deh...

  3. Ihi.....ungkapan hati yah??

  4. Iseng - iseng blogwalking... Nemu tulisan ini... bagus mas lagunya...... :3

    1. Lagunya ungkapan hati ya mas??? :P

    2. Kalo menurutku, kalo ada orang yang sampe upload lagu pasti lagu itu "mengena" banget di hatinya...
      Berasa "NJLEB" gitu... :P

    3. wah, segitunyakah :P, tapi emang biasanya seperti itu, lyric and nada disesuaikan dengan mood orangnya saat itu @.@


have a question, just spill it :D